Open Turn Mistakes to Avoid

Open Turn Mistakes to Avoid

In swimming, an open turn might seem pretty straightforward…you touch the wall, turn around, and keep swimming. In reality, it’s not quite that simple. 

Whether you’re racing butterfly, breaststroke or IM, or you prefer open turns to flip turns, it’s time to take your turns to the next level!

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What are buoyancy shorts?

What are Buoyancy Shorts?

Neoprene swim shorts are the hottest training tool to hit the pool deck since the pull buoy and are exploding in popularity, especially among triathletes. Every major wetsuit brand has a selection of these buoyancy shorts – HUUB have a couple to choose from as do Orca, Zoot, Head, Zone3 and Blueseventy. So what are they?

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Stretching For Swimmers

Stretching For Swimmers

Stretching before a workout will do your body wonders with any physical activity. Although swimming is a low-impact sport, there is still risk to injury for those who hit the pool regularly. Having a good stretching routine to help improve your range of motion and your training longevity is beneficial. Whether swimming is a hobby or a full-time job, a few minutes of stretching can keep the body healthy.

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Aquasphere Defy Ultra - Experience Infinite Vision

Conquer open waters and be the champion of your next goal. The DEFY.Ultra swim mask features an all-new DuoCurve180 lens, offering panoramic vision both laterally and vertically, ultra-thin silicone Precision  Fit Technology skirt for a comfortable, leak-free seal and a groundbreaking ultra-light frameless design for reduced drag in the water. Prepare to lock in your new personal best time with a low-profile hydrodynamic design and the Quick Fit Buckle 2.0 on the strap.

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Hvornår skal dit barn begynde på svømmeundervisning?

Hvornår skal dit barn begynde på svømmeundervisning?

At begynde på svømmeundervisning kan være en skræmmende opgave, selv for den voksne. Men det er vigtigt for alle børn at kende til overlevelsesevner i vand, og hvordan man svømmer og holder sig sikker i vand. Her er en aldersopdelt guide til svømmeundervisning for børn, så du ved, hvad du kan forvente, og hvornår det er bedst for dig at få dine børn i gang med at svømme.

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Lær at dykke ind - 3 nemme trin

At dykke ned i poolen kan være en skræmmende oplevelse, især for dem, der tager deres første spring. Selv sikre svømmere kan finde udsigten til at dykke en smule skræmmende i starten. Her er tre trin, der kan hjælpe dig med at lære at dykke ned i vandet.

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4 måder at afslutte en hård svømmetur på

4 måder at afslutte en hård svømmetur på

Det nye år er lige gået, og mange svømmere er på vej tilbage til bassinet og står over for unikke udfordringer, når de vender tilbage. Det kan være hårdt at vende tilbage til træningen, og det kan være svært at bevare motivationen. Her er fire måder at hjælpe svømmere med at komme igennem en hård træning.

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Speedo Fastskin LZR 2.0 - Svøm med de hurtigste

Speedo Fastskin LZR 2.0

Faster is always possible!

The world’s fastest suit got even better with space-grade technology. Engineered from Lamoral Space Tech, the new Speedo Fastskin LZR Intent and Valor 2.0 provide long-lasting water repellency for the ultimate glide. 

Developed for racing, Speedo's innovative Fastskin system provides swimmers with the best choice of racing gear that looks fast, feels fast and allows for maximum speed and performance in the water.

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Arenas 50-års jubilæum Elite Team Signature Collection

Arenas 50-års jubilæum Elite Team Signature Collection

Arena, for its 50th birthday, asked 10 of its most representative athletes to tell which creature best represented them and why. What is the primordial instinct that guides them in their choices, from training to the starting block?

For each athlete, the perfect swimsuit has been chosen. The Carbon Glide, Cardon Core FX, and Powerskin Carbon Air² are the three selected racing models of the collection.

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